tctl v1.17 admin command reference
The new Temporal CLI is available for use.
tctl v1.17 can still be used with Temporal Server version 1.20 and is expected to be compatible with Temporal Server version 1.21.
tctl is expected to be fully deprecated by Temporal Server version 1.22
A tctl admin
command allows the user to run admin operations.
tctl admin [--help | -h]
The tctl admin cluster
command runs the administrator-level operations on a given Cluster.
tctl admin cluster command [command modifiers] [arguments...]
- add_search_attributes
tctl admin cluster add_search_attributes
Adding custom Search Attributes to a Cluster.
Learn more - remove_search_attributes
tctl admin cluster remove_search_attributes
Removing custom search metadat from a Cluster.
Learn more - get_search_attributes
tctl admin cluster get_search_attributes
Showing existing search attributes.
Learn more - describe
tctl admin cluster describe
Displaying Cluster information.
Learn more - list
tctl admin cluster list
Listing Cluster information.
Learn more - upsert_remote_cluster
tctl admin cluster upsert_remote_cluster
How to run admin-level tctl commands.
Learn more - remove_remote_cluster
tctl admin cluster upsert_remote_cluster
How to run admin-level tctl commands.
Learn more
The tctl admin cluster add-search-attributes
command allows Search Attributes to be added to a Cluster.
Custom Search Attributes can be used to make a Cluster more identifiable.
Due to Elasticsearch limitations, you can only add new custom Search Attributes. Existing Search Attributes cannot be renamed or removed from the Elasticsearch index.
Use this command to add custom Search Attributes to your Temporal Cluster:
tctl admin cluster add-search-attributes --name <SearchAttributeName> --type <SearchAttributeValueType>
If you are adding custom Search Attributes to a Cluster running from the docker-compose-es.yml
file in the temporalio/docker-compose repo, make sure to increase the Docker memory to more than 6 GB.
Allows the user to skip the Elasticsearch index schema update.
This will only register in metadata.
The name of the Search Attribute to add. Names can have multiple values.
Search Attribute names are case sensitive.
The type of Search Attribute to add. Multiple values can be added at once.
Values: Text, Keyword, Int, Double, Bool, Datetime
The tctl admin cluster describe
command provides information for the current Cluster.
The following modifier changes the behavior of the command:
The name of the remote Cluster within the current Cluster.
This modifier is optional, and can default to the return of current Cluster information.
The tctl admin cluster get_search_attributes
command retrieves existing Search Attributes for a given Cluster.
The following modifier will change the behavior of the command:
Prints the existing search attributes in JSON format.
The tctl admin cluster list
command lists Cluster information on the given Cluster.
Default: 100
The modifier below changes the behavior of the command:
The size of the page that the list is printed on.
The tctl admin cluster remove_remote_cluster
command removes remote Cluster information on the given Cluster.
The modifier below changes the behavior of the operation:
The name of the remote Cluster to remove.
The Temporal tctl documentation covers version 1.17 of the Temporal CLI.
The tctl admin cluster remove-search-attributes
command removes custom Search Attribute metadata from a Cluster.
This operation has no effect on Elasticsearch index schema.
Use the following command to remove a Search AttributeWhat is a Search Attribute?
A Search Attribute is an indexed name used in List Filters to filter a list of Workflow Executions that have the Search Attribute in their metadata.
Learn more from a Cluster's metadata:
tctl admin cluster remove-search-attributes --name <SearchAttributeKey>
Only custom Search Attributes can be removed from a Cluster's metadata. Default Search Attributes cannot be removed.
Removing a Search Attribute removes it from the Cluster's metadata but does not remove it from the Elasticsearch index. This means that the Search Attribute can be added back later as the same type. After a Search Attribute has been added to the Elasticsearch index, it cannot be changed.
The following modifier changes the behavior of the operation:
Name of the Search Attribute to remove.
The tctl admin cluster upsert_remote_cluster
command adds or updates remote Cluster information in the current Cluster.
The remote Cluster frontend address.
Enables remote Cluster connection.
The tctl admin db
command runs administrator-level operations on a given database.
tctl admin db command [command modifiers] [arguments...]
- tctl admin db scan
tctl admin db scan
Scanning for corrupted executions in a database
Learn more - tctl admin db clean
tctl admin db clean
How to clean up corrupted Workflows using tctl.
Learn more
The tctl admin db clean
command cleans corrupted Workflow Executions from the targeted database.
The modifiers below change the behavior of the command.
Type of DB engine to use
Default: cassandra
Value: cassandra
| mysql
| postgres
Persistence address for the database.
Persistence port for the DB.
Default: 9042
Database username.
Database password.
Database keyspace
Default: "temporal"
The directory which contains the corrupted Workflow Execution files from running scan
tctl admin db scan
Scanning for corrupted executions in a database
Learn more.
The minimum amount (inclusive) of corrupt shards to handle.
Default: 0
The maximum amount (exclusive) of corrupt shards to handle.
Default: 16384
starting rps of database queries.
Default: 100
Target rps of database queries.
Default: 7000
Number of threads to handle a scan.
Default: 1000
The number of shards handled between each emittance of progress.
Default: 10
Enable --tls
before using any of the following modifiers.
Where the tls client cert is located.
Where the tls key is located.
Where the tls ca is located.
The name of the Db tls server.
Disables verification of the DB tls hostname and server cert.
The tctl admin db scan
command scans concrete Workflow Executions in a given database, and detects corrupted ones.
Type of DB engine to use
Default: cassandra
Value: cassandra
| mysql
| postgres
Persistence address for the DB.
Persistence port for the DB.
Default: 9042
DB username.
DB password.
DB keyspace
Default: "temporal"
--lower_shard_bound value
The minimum amount (inclusive) of corrupt shards to handle.
Default: 0
The maximum amount (exclusive) of corrupt shards to handle.
Default: 16384
starting rps of database queries.
Default: 100
--rps value
Target rps of database queries.
Default: 7000
The size of the page used to query database executions.
Default: 500
Number of threads to handle a scan.
Default: 1000
The number of shards handled between each emittance of progress.
Default: 10
Enable TLS over the DB connection.
Enable --tls
before using any of the following modifiers.
Where the tls client cert is located.
Where the tls key is located.
Where the tls ca is located.
The name of the Db tls server.
Disables verification of the DB tls hostname and server cert.
The tctl admin decode
command allows the user to decode payloads sent and received from executed Activities.
tctl admin decode command [command modifiers] [arguments...]
- proto
tctl admin decode proto
Decoding proto payloads.
Learn more - base64
tctl admin decode base64
Decoding Payloads to Base64.
Learn more
The tctl admin decode base64
command decodes base64 Payloads.
Decoded data in base64 format.
Creates a file with data in base64 format.
The tctl admin decode proto
command decodes the Payload to proto format.
The full name of the proto type to decode the Payload to.
Decodes the data to hex format.
Creates a file with the decoded hex data.
Creates a file with the decoded binary data.
The tctl admin dlq
commands run admin operations on a given dead-letter queue (DLQ).
tctl admin dlq command [command modifiers] [arguments...]
- tctl admin dlq read
tctl admin dlq read
Reading DLQ messages.
Learn more - tctl admin dlq purge
tctl admin dlq purge
Deleting DLQ messages.
Learn more - tctl admin dlq merge
tctl admin dlq merge
Merging DLQ messages.
Learn more
The tctl admib dlq merge
command allows dead-letter queue (DLQ) messages to be merged.
The messages must have TaskIds with an equal or lesser value than the given TaskId.
The type of DLQ to manage.
Options: namespace, history
Source cluster for the DLQ.
ShardId provided for the command.
Identifies the last read message.
Default: 0
The tctl admin dlq purge
command deletes DLQ messages that have a Task Id equal to or less than the provided Task Id.
The type of DLQ to manage.
Options: namespace, history
Source cluster for the DLQ.
ShardId provided for the command.
Identifies the last read message.
Default: 0
The tctl admin dlq read
command reads out messages from the dead-letter queue (DLQ).
The type of DLQ to manage.
Options: namespace, history
Source cluster for the DLQ.
ShardId provided for the command.
The maximum number of messages to fethc.
Default: 0
Identifies the last read message.
Default: 0
Provides a file to write output to.
Output is written to stdout on default.
The tctl admin history_host
command runs an admin-level operation on the history host.
tctl admin history_host command [command options] [arguments...]
- tctl admin history_host describe
tctl admin history_host describe
Describing the information in a history host
Learn more - tctl admin history_host get_shardid
tctl admin history_host get_shardid
Providing the shardId on command
Learn more
The tctl admin history_host describe
command describes the internal information of history host.
The following modifiers change the behavior of the command.
Alias: -w
The WorkflowId of the Workflow whose history host is to be described.
The history address of the history host.
The Id of the shard that belongs to the history host.
Print a full and detailed summary of the history host.
The tctl admin history_host get_shardid
command gets the shardId
for a given namespaceId
and workflowId
The following modifiers change the behavior of this command.
The namespaceId
of the history host where we're getting the shardId
Alias: -w
The WorkflowId of the history host where we're getting the shardId.
The total amount of shards for the Temporal Cluster.
Default: 0
The tctl admin membership
command allows admin operations to be run on membership items.
tctl admin membership command [command modifiers] [arguments...]
- list_gossip
tctl admin membership list_gossip
How to describe ringpop membership items
Learn more - list_db
tctl admin membership list_db
How to describe Cluster membership items
Learn more
The tctl admin membership list_db
command lists the Cluster items in a targeted membership.
The following modifiers change the behavior of the command.
Filters the list by last Heartbeat time.
Filters the results by membership role.
Default: all Values: all, frontend, history, matching, worker
The tctl admin membership list_gossip
command lists the ringpop membership items present on the targeted membership.
The following modifier changes the behavior of the command:
--role value
Filters the results by membership role
Default: all Values: all, frontend, history, matching, worker
The tctl admin shard
commands enable admin-level operations on a specified shard.
tctl admin shard commands
- describe
tctl admin shard describe
Describes Id of shard.
Learn more - describe_task
tctl admin shard describe_task
displaying information on a Task within a shard
Learn more - list_tasks
tctl admin shard list_tasks
listing tasks for a given shard Id and Task type
Learn more - close_shard
tctl admin shard close_shard
closing a shard with a given shard Id
Learn more - remove_task
tctl admin shard remove_task
removing a Task with given information
Learn more
The tctl admin shard close_shard
command closes a shard with an Id that corresponds to the value given in the command.
tctl admin shard close_shard [command options] [arguments...]
The modifier below will change the behavior and output of the command.
--share_id value
ShareId managed by the Temporal Cluster.
The tctl admin shard describe_task
command describes a specified Task's Task Id, Task type, shard Id, and task visibility timestamp.
The modifiers below control the output and behavior of the command. Enter all modifiers after the command as such:
tctl admin shard describe_task <modifiers>
The type of database (DB) engine for the shard to use.
Default: "cassandra"
Values: "cassandra", "mysql", "postgres"
Persistence address for the database.
Persistence port for the database.
Default: 9042
Username entered into the database.
Password entered into the database.
Keyspace for the database.
default: "temporal"
Enables TLS over the database connection.
DB tls client cert path.
Note: tls must be enabled
DB tls server name
Note: tls must be enabled
DB tls verify hostname and server cert
Note: tls must be enabled
Identifies the specified shard.
Default: 0
Describes the task.
Default: 0
The kind of Task that is targeted within a shard.
Default: transfer
Values: transfer, timer, replication
Task visibility timestamp in nanoseconds
Default: 0
Temporal cluster for the shard to use.
Default: "active"
The tctl admin shard describe
command shows the Id for the specified shard.
The modifier below controls the behavior of the command.
--share_id value
The Id of the shard to describe
Default: 0
The tctl admin shard list_tasks
command will list the Tasks available for a given shard Id and Task type.
The modifiers below affect the output and behavior of the command.
Lists more pages of list tasks. The default setting is to list one page of 10 list tasks.
--pagesize value
The size of the result page. Default: 10
--target_cluster value
Temporal cluster to use. Default: "active"
--shard_id value
The ID of the shard
Default: 0
--task_type value
The type of Task.
Default: transfer Values: transfer, timer, replication, visibility
--min_visibility_ts value
The minimum value that can be set as a Task Visibility timestamp.
Supported formats include:
- '2006-01-02T15:04:05+07:00'
- Raw UnixNano
- Time range (N-duration), where 0 < N < 1000000 and duration (full-notation/short-notation) can be:
- second/s
- minute/m
- week/w
- month/m
- year/y
--max_visibility_ts value
The maximum value that can be set as a Task Visibility timestamp.
Supported formats:
- '2006-01-02T15:04:05+07:00'
- Raw UnixNano
- Time range (N-duration), where 0 < N < 1000000 and duration (full-notation/short-notation) can be:
- second/s
- minute/m
- week/w
- month/m
- year/y
The tctl admin shard remove_task
command removes a Task from the shard.
tctl admin shard remove_task [command options] [arguments...]
The Task removed must have values that matches what is given in the command line.
The modifiers below change the behavior of the command.
--shard_id value
The shardId for the Task to be removed.
Default: 0
--task_id value
The taskId for the Task to be removed.
Default: 0
--task_type value
The type of Task to remove.
Default: transfer
Values: transfer, timer, replication
--task_timestamp value
The task visibility timestamp, given in nanoseconds.
Default: 0
The tctl admin workflow
commands enable administrator-level operations on Workflow Executions.
tctl admin workflow command [modifiers] [arguments...]
- show
tctl admin workflow show
Showing Workflow history.
Learn more - describe
tctl admin workflow describe
Description of Workflow Execution.
Learn more - refresh_tasks
tctl admin workflow refresh_tasks
Refreshing Workflow Tasks.
Learn more - delete
tctl admin workflow delete
Deleting the Workflow Execution.
Learn more
The tctl admin workflow delete
command deletes the current Workflow Execution and the mutableState record.
--db_engine value
The type of database (DB) engine to use.
Default: "cassandra" Values: "cassandra", "mysql", "postgres"
--db_address value
Persistence address for the database.
--db_port value
Persistence port for the database.
Default: 9042
--username value
Username entered into the database.
--password value
Password entered into the database.
--keyspace value
Keyspace for the database.
default: "temporal"
--url value
URL of the Elasticsearch cluster.
Default: ""
--es-username value
Username for the Elasticsearch cluster.
--es-password value
Password for the Elasticsearch cluster.
--version value
The version of the Elasticsearch cluster for the Workflow.
Default: v7
Values: v6, v7
--index value
Elasticsearch index name.
--workflow_id value
Alias: -w
The Id of the current Workflow.
--run_id value
Alias: -r
The Id of the current run.
Skip any errors that occur in the Workflow Execution.
Enables TLS over the database connection.
TLS must be enabled to use the following modifiers.
--tls_cert_path value
DB tls client cert path.
Note: tls must be enabled
--tls_key_path value
DB tls client key path
Note: tls must be enabled
--tls_ca_path value
DB tls client ca path
Note: tls must be enabled
--tls_server_name value
DB tls server name
Note: tls must be enabled
DB tls verify hostname and server cert
Note: tls must be enabled
The tctl admin workflow describe
command describes internal information of the current Workflow Execution.
--workflow_id value
Alias: -w
The Id of the current Workflow.
--run_id value
Alias: -r
The Id of the current run.
The tctl admin workflow refresh_tasks
command updates all Tasks in a Workflow, provided that the command can fetch new information for Tasks.
--workflow_id value
Alias: -w
The Id of the current Workflow.
--run_id value
Alias: -r
The Id of the current run.
The tctl admin workflow show
command displays Workflow history from the database.
--workflow_id value
Alias: -w
The current Workflow.
--run_id value
Alias: -r
The current RunId.
--min_event_id value
The minimum Event Id to include in the history.
Default: 0
--max_event_id value
The maximum Event Id to include in the history.
Default: 0
--min_event_version value
The start Event version to be included in the history.
Default: 0
--max_event_version value
The end Event version to be included in the history.
Default: 0
--output_filename value
The file where the output is sent to.